buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title 3D Developer Portfolio style.css header class hero-section div class nav-wrapper nav a Home href #home a Projects href #projects a Skills href #skills a Contact href #contact main section id home class hero-content div class cube-container div class cube div class face front div class face back div class face right div class face left div class face top div class face bottom h1 John Developer p Full-Stack Developer & 3D Web Specialist section id projects class projects-grid h2 Featured Projects div class project-card div class project-preview h3 E-Commerce Platform p Built with WebGL and modern JavaScript div class project-card div class project-preview h3 3D Data Visualization p Interactive charts and graphs div class project-card div class project-preview h3 Real-time Dashboard p and Three.js implementation section id skills class skills-container h2 Technical Skills div class skill-category h3 Frontend ul li HTML5 & CSS3 li JavaScript (ES6+) li WebGL & Three.js h3 Backend ul li Node.js li Python li SQL & NoSQL h3 Tools ul li Git li Docker li AWS section id contact class contact h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name input type email placeholder Your Email textarea placeholder Your Message button Send Message type submit footer nav a LinkedIn href # a GitHub href # a Twitter href # p Built with passion and pure code script.js